Friday, July 20, 2012

APOLOGIES Due to printing problems we were unable to present this topic so watch out for a future date.

Over the past few years Philomena has been presenting a seies on the History of Everyday Things. There are so many fabulous inventions that we use in our daily life without thinking about their origins. This time Phil is looking at Paper and Ink. If you would like to learn about the origins of Paper and Ink come along to the Senior Citizens Centre on the 24 July at 11.00. You will be very welcome.

Kim Core will be presenting a talk on the Teaching of Wisdom on Tuesday 31 July at the Cowra Senior Citizens Centre, Railway Lane Cowra, commencing at 11.00 am. Any one intersted is welcome to attend.

In 2011 we explored the Silk Road and now Beverley has discovered the Tea-Horse Road, and ancient trade rout between China and Tibet. We will explore this in three sessions on Tuesday 1 August, 21 August and the 4 September. Notes are available for the cost of printing. Please let Beverley know if you would like a copy of the notes. Sessions commence at 11.00 am at the Cowra Senior Citizens Centre in Railway Lane (next door to Woolworths) Cowra.

On Tuesday 14 August 2012, at the Cowra Senior Citizens Centre, Bob will be recounting his experiences on Christmas Island at the time of the British Nuclear Tests. This talk will commence at 11.00 am and visitors are welcome to attend.

On Tuesday 28 August and 18 September we will be looking at two more sessions on Cathederals. These talks run for approximately 30 mins on DVD. The course contains 24 of these talks that cover the history of Cathederals through the ages. Our courses are presented at 11.00 am on Tuesdays at the Cowra Senior Citizens Centre, Railway Lane (next door to Woolworths, Cowra. Visitors are always welcome.
On Tuesday 11 September 2012 at the Cowra Senior Citizens Centre in Railway Lane (next door to Woolworths) Cowra commencing at 11.00 am Katrine will be presenting a short course on the Portuguese Explorers. Visitors are welcome to attend. Notes are available for the cost of printing (around $3.00).

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Half of 2012 is behind us and we are looking forward to another interesting term. Those of us that attend U3A know the benifits of our twice weekly get togethers where in a friendly relaxed environment we studied different countries, famous people, historical events, art and architecture. The courses we can offer are only limited to what the members are interested in so the more members we have the greater the variety of topics we can offer. Many of our members research a topic and prepare presentations, either a talk, notes or a slide show or a combination of all these. Have a look at the list of whats on this term Anyone who is over the age of 50 and no longer working full time can join Cowra U3A. If you would like more information check out the membership details, send us an email at or phone Beberley on 02 6341 1030 or Phil on 02 6342 1024